迷迭香E. 多诺霍是父亲三个孩子中最大的一个, 纽约/新泽西著名的医生, 还有她的母亲, 著名珠宝商的女儿, 阿道夫沃尔特. Miss •多诺休 thus came from third generation Irish Catholics on her father’s side and fourth generation German Catholics on her mother’s side. 但她母亲在她四岁时去世了, 留下她父亲独自抚养三个年幼的孩子. 他确保他的孩子们(罗斯玛丽), 尤金, (丹尼尔)在纽约和新泽西接受了最好的天主教教育.

高中毕业时, 多诺霍小姐进入了时尚界, 就读于纽约市著名的帕森时装设计学院. 此后,她在哈恩工作 & Co. 在新泽西, where she advanced in merchandizing and ascended to the position of Buyer in various departments of high-end fashion clothing.

In 1954, 她去加州参加她弟弟的婚礼, 丹尼尔, 给伯纳丁·墨菲小姐, 安托瓦内特和丹·墨菲的女儿, 加州著名的慈善家和实业家. 罗斯玛丽、丹尼尔和伯纳丁结下了深厚的友谊. 按照伯纳丁的建议, Rosemary decided to leave her fast-paced New York life behind her and move west to be near them. 她的另一个哥哥, 尤金, 后来搬到了伊利诺斯州, 他在哪里追随他父亲的脚步行医.

但她并没有放慢脚步. 相反,她结识了菲德丽斯修女,她是圣. 洛杉矶的文森特医院, who asked her to head up the hospital’s Personnel Department during a critical period of reorganization. 就这样,多诺霍小姐开始了与慈善女儿会的交往. 这将持续她的一生. Miss •多诺休 thereafter moved to San Francisco to work with the Daughters’ outreach program for unwed mothers in the early 1960s. She got involved in Republican politics and took over as head of the San Francisco headquarters for the Goldwater presidential campaign in 1964. But she missed 丹尼尔 and Bernardine and decided to return to Los Angeles after the campaign and devote her life to philanthropic activity.

到那时, 丹尼尔和伯纳丁忙着管理丹·墨菲基金会, which they had established in 1957 in memory of Bernardine’s father to promote important Roman Catholic and other philanthropic causes. So helpful to the Church was The Dan Murphy Foundation that His Holiness Pope John XXIII conferred on Bernardine the title of “Papal Countess,这是美国人在任期间唯一被授予的头衔. 几年后, 教皇保罗六世授予丹尼尔这个头衔, “陛下的先生,这是教会授予俗人的最高奖项, 也是美国人第一次获得这样的奖项.

但是在1968年, Countess Bernardine died unexpectedly and left Sir 丹尼尔 to carry on the work of their Foundation. 因此,丹尼尔爵士邀请他的妹妹罗斯玛丽与他一起担任基金会的董事会成员.

In 1984, Miss •多诺休 was honored as a Lady of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem and was promoted to Lady Commander in 1997. His Holiness Pope John Paul II also conferred on her the honorary Cross Pro-Ecclesia et Pontifice medal. In 1993, 应红衣主教罗杰·马奥尼阁下的要求, 时任洛杉矶红衣主教, 多诺霍小姐成为世界上13名女性之一, 也是最早的美国人之一, 被授予圣宗座勋章的荣誉. 格列高利大帝.

在其多年的慈善活动中, 丹尼尔·墨菲基金会对BG电子特别慷慨, 她帮助建造了圣母教堂和圣三一教堂. 伯纳丁图书馆,并成立了捐赠奖学金基金. 自20世纪70年代以来一直活跃在学院, •多诺休小姐于1986年被任命为学院理事会成员, 1997年, 成为董事会托管委员会主席. 她于2010年从董事会退休, and by resolution of her erstwhile colleagues was granted emeritus status in honor of her many years of exemplary work on behalf of the College.




Q. You have been blessed with the opportunity to meet many cardinals and bishops in the Catholic hierarchy over the years, 包括三位教皇(教皇庇护十二世), 教皇保罗六世, 教皇约翰·保罗二世). 这些经历对你的信仰有什么影响?

我不知道该怎么形容. 我们总是努力按照我们的信仰行事, but there is something very powerful about being in the company of the representatives of Christ. 你看,我们的教会是一个人的教会, and it makes you think of how Our Lord has used people throughout time to spread the Gospel to all nations. It is wonderfully inspiring to see so many great spiritual men trying their best to lead people to God and carrying out the mission of Christ on earth. 能见到这么多人,我感到无比荣幸.

Q. 你认为未来几年教会会发生什么?

这仍然是上帝的世界,他将与我们同在,直到世界的尽头. 教会经历了多种形式的迫害, but we have to remind ourselves of what our Holy Father keeps saying: “The Church is guided by the Holy 精神, 主基督也必不撇下我们.教皇约翰·保罗二世, 在他的教皇任期内, 不断劝诫主教, 牧师, 和平信徒传福音. 那就由我们来传福音了.

We have many trials left to endure, and I just don’t know what’s going to happen to our own country. 50年后,我们可能连国家都没有了. 我们就像古罗马沦陷时一样. 你不可能建立一个家庭如此分裂的国家, 或者当十诫被严重忽视的时候. Where are the teachers — where are the parents — who will teach our children right from wrong? 如果他们来自任何地方,他们将来自教会. 如果教会不能提供他们,上帝保佑我们.

Q. 不过,你今天确实看到了教会的亮点,不是吗?

肯定. 这里有许多伟大的修会和神学院, 无论是在这里还是在世界各地, starting to produce good holy men and women who are seeking to establish Christ’s will on earth. We’re also seeing a great number of conversions occurring in Africa and in parts of Asia due to the inspiring work of our missionaries there. 时间会告诉我们这一切的结果.

Q. 你很重视教育?

是的. 教育——包括道德训练和纪律——至关重要, 但它必须从家庭开始. 如果社会要生存,你就必须拥有它. 如果你没有它,那么你就会面临我们今天所面临的可怕局面. This is why our Holy Father speaks so powerfully on the institution of marriage and the sacredness of the family.

Q. 你参与学院的生活已经22年了. 你是怎么参与进来的?

回来 in 1978, I went to a talk at the Jonathan Club in Los Angeles given by [founding president] 罗恩·麦克阿瑟. I could see that he had a great idea and that he really was promoting an authentically Roman Catholic college. 我听到了他要说的话, 我与Dennis Koller(当时的开发总监)进行了会谈, 我可以看到他们所提供的是我们这个时代迫切需要的. 他们非常热情. Later, as I became more involved, I could see they were doing a great job with the students. You could actually see that a genuinely Catholic education was giving young people a foundation on which to rebuild society. 从那时起,我一直坚定地承诺.

Q. 你是监事会托管委员会的主席. 你怎么看那个委员会的工作?

Our Board has been blessed with a number of talented members over the years who have a great deal of business experience and the means of seeing that the College becomes fully developed. 最近, 事实上, we’ve been able to attract still more accomplished people from the outside world who are bringing their great business acumen to bear on important business decisions that the College faces. 我的目标是继续吸引这样的人. 我不会永远在你身边, and I am greatly relieved to see these younger members come on the Board and continue this great work.

Q. 你对学院的未来有什么看法?

学院前途无量. It’s graduating well-educated young men and women and has made great progress in the few years since it was founded. The students are disciplined and have been trained to think and reason so well that it’s no surprise they are wanted by the best universities throughout the world. 我当然希望将来会有更多的BG电子. As soon as the College reaches capacity, I think it will be time to start anew someplace else. 我希望这能尽快实现. 我觉得所有这些学生都是我的孩子——我特别的一窝.

Q. 你目前有没有为学院做的项目?

我将继续与 总统狄龙 人事方面的工作,以及在各方面推广书院的工作. 也, I hope to be able to put my fashion design skills back to work by designing concert robes for the choir. 但我们会看到事情的发展(笑).