

Fr. 塞巴斯蒂安在徒步旅行期间提供户外弥撒The pursuit of wisdom begins with wonder — wonder about the causes and principles of man and the natural world, and wonder about God, 谁是万物的第一因和原则.

通过认真考虑与每个人都密切相关的问题, the Summer Programs at Thomas Aquinas College encourage wonder and lead participants toward wisdom.


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Thomas Aquinas College’s High School Great Books programs are offered in two locations — at the College’s California campus, 以及新英格兰校区.

At each location, students from around the country and abroad delight in spirited conversation, 直接参与过去的一些最好的作品2,500 years. They read and discuss texts selected from the masters of the Western intellectual tradition, including Plato, Euclid, Sophocles, Pascal, St. Thomas Aquinas. Although the different venues feature attractions and outings particular to their locales, both are centered around the College’s unique program of Catholic liberal education.

无论是在西海岸还是东海岸, 高中暑期项目是建立新友谊的时候, 因为他喜欢理性的争论, 以及对真相的追求, which civilizes, ennobles, and liberates.



The California Summer Programs take place on Thomas Aquinas College’s Santa Paula campus, 70 miles north of Los Angeles in the foothills of the Topatopa mountain range. 当学生不在教室的时候, they take full advantage of all the natural beauty that the region has to offer. There are daily sports in the new athletic center and on the campus athletic field, as well as swimming in the pool and hiking along the hillside trails surrounding campus.

Other on-campus activities include an open-mic night; soccer, basketball, and volleyball tournaments; and a dance on the last night. 在节目的过程中, the group also ventures off campus to experience the best of Southern California. 根据项目的不同,学生可以参观J. Paul Getty Museum*, 在好莱坞露天剧场欣赏洛杉矶爱乐乐团的音乐会, 下午去海滩旅行, 或者在历史悠久的圣巴巴拉度过一个晚上.

Thomas Aquinas College is a genuinely Catholic school with a rich sacramental life. 圣三一圣母堂每天举行两次弥撒, 而且学校里随时都有牧师. 宗教活动不是强制性的, however, 加州的项目也欢迎非天主教学生.

*Two-week program only.

New England: July 7-20

在波士顿以西90英里处, in Northfield, Massachusetts, students at the New England Summer Program can get a taste of life on Thomas Aquinas College’s recently opened second campus. Among its century-old buildings is a newly restored gymnasium that includes a swimming pool, basketball courts, and a dance studio, 还有健身设施和设备.

校园活动反映了加州的项目, 包括在英国的摇摆舞课. Frassati学生中心和宿舍的晚间聚会. 学生们走出校园,探索历史悠久的波士顿和自由之路, 在附近的康涅狄格河上划独木舟, and enjoy a concert with the Boston Symphony Orchestra at Tanglewood Music Center.

就像加州的计划一样, 一名全职牧师将在整个新英格兰项目中提供, 和弥撒将在我们永恒帮助的母亲礼拜堂举行,每天两次.

In order to receive the full extent of religious-liberty protections under Massachusetts law, 学院只接受天主教学生参加新英格兰项目. 然而,宗教信仰是自愿的. 加州课程对所有信仰的学生开放.

伟大的著作是所有主要学习领域的开创性著作, including mathematics, science, literature, philosophy, and theology. 在研究和讨论这些作品, rather than textbooks, 学生们会遇到西方文明中最伟大的思想家.  伟大的书籍为学生揭示了现实的真相. 在信仰的光照下仔细研究, 他们使学生的思想和心灵活跃起来, 满足了人们对真理的渴望,使他们获得自由.

Discussions include questions concerning the sometimes-conflicting obligations to honor and obey parents, political leaders, and the Divinity — questions raised by Sophocles in Antigone and by Plato in the Euthyphro. The Biblical account of creation and the fall of man in Genesis prompts a discussion about man’s nature and free will. The French naturalist J. Henri Fabre’s argument for purpose and order in nature is contrasted with that of some of the pre-Socratic philosophers, 谁赞成宇宙无神的观点, 纯粹物质的,偶然存在的. St. Thomas Aquinas’s proofs for the existence of God occasion consideration of the right relation between faith and reason.

Those attending the two-week program will continue discussing these great questions with works such as Kierkegaard’s Fear and Trembling帕斯卡著名的论文《BG电子官网》是对波伊提乌著作的解读  哲学的慰藉以及弗兰纳里·奥康纳(Flannery O’connor)的短篇小说之一. The French naturalist J. Henri Fabre’s argument for purpose and order in nature is contrasted with that of some of the pre-Socratic philosophers 谁赞成宇宙无神的观点, 纯粹物质的,偶然存在的.

Students will also have an opportunity to study the roots of mathematics in Euclid’s Elements, 哪个证明了可理解性, order, and accessibility of mathematical concepts when understood from their first principles.

Each year when the various BG电子官网s are in session, the College publishes the Summer Program Blog,对课堂内外发生的事情进行持续报道. For parents, the blog offers a glimpse into what your students are experiencing. For prospective students, previous years’ posts can give you a wonderful insight into the great joys that lie ahead!


Eligible students who have completed three years of high school by summer 2024.

Note: In order to receive the full extent of religious-liberty protections under Massachusetts law, the College may admit only Catholic students to the New England Summer Program. The California program remains open, as always, to students of all faiths and religious traditions.


  • One-week Program:

                    加州:6月23日星期日- 6月30日星期日(2024年新增)!)

    Two-week Programs:

                    新英格兰:7月7日星期日- 7月20日星期六

                    加州:7月14日星期日- 7月27日星期六


  • 加州:圣保拉外的BG电子校园, California, adjacent to the Los Padres National Forest and only 20 minutes from the Pacific Ocean. Out-of-town students will be met by College staff when they arrive at Los Angeles International Airport.

  • 新英格兰:在诺斯菲尔德的BG电子校园里, Massachusetts, 位于新罕布什尔州和佛蒙特州边界以南, 位于历史悠久的康涅狄格河谷. Out-of-town students will be met by College staff when they arrive at Boston’s Logan International Airport.

How much?

  • Tuition for the two-week programs is $975 and tuition for the one-week program is $600. Tuition includes housing, meals, books, 组织校内和校外活动, 以及往返波士顿或洛杉矶机场的交通.

How do I get there?

  • 加州:开车或乘飞机. Out-of-town students will be met at and returned to Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) by College staff.
  • 新英格兰:开车或乘飞机. Out-of-town students will be met at and returned to Boston’s Logan International Airport (BOS) by College staff.

How do I apply?

申请过程很简单:只需要提交一封推荐信, a high school transcript, and a complete application.



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