Learning at Thomas Aquinas College is geared toward the education of the whole person, as such it is not limited to the confines of the classroom. The Socratic discussions that begin in class spill into the dining commons, 在拱廊, 和途径, the residence halls. Concerts and lectures are held on campus throughout the year. 信仰, which informs all classroom learning, manifests itself in every other facet of BG电子 同样,从 日常质量 and adoration to evening rosary and processions. 学生 can also refresh their minds, 他们的身体, their souls through a number of extracurricular activities.

Chief among these are the College’s 音乐, 剧院, 体育 programs, but there are others as well. On both campuses, the College employs two student athletic directors, who organize the intramural 体育 schedule throughout the year, and two student activity directors who organize on-campus events, including dances, 开麦的夜晚, 电影, 食物驱动器, 和撤退. There are also various student-run organizations such as the de Tocqueville Society (politics), the Pre-Medical Society, a pro-life group, the Legion of Mary.

The life of the College, however, extends not only beyond the classroom, but beyond the campus. 加州 students have the blessing of the region’s beaches and mountains, hiking in the Los Padres National Forest, taking outings to the finer cultural offerings in nearby Santa Barbara and Los Angeles. 在新英格兰, students delight in kayaking and canoeing along the 连接icut River, hiking in the Northfield woods or on Mt. 残丘, making excursions to the rich cultural and historical attractions in Boston and beyond.

In addition to studying and prayer, there is always 某物 to do at Thomas Aquinas College — 某物 worthwhile, 某物 fulfilling, 某物 geared toward ever-greater spiritual and intellectual growth. Here beauty, goodness, truth are truly one.