The 理事会 is a self-perpetuating body entrusted with the task of supervising, 控制, 并管理BG电子的事务,以实现学院创始文件中概述的目标, A Proposal for the Fulfillment of Catholic Liberal 教育. All authority 和 responsibility within the College originates with the 理事会, which is its legal board of trustees under the laws of the State of 加州. The Board consists of no more than 30 men 和 women, 其中七人必须是BG电子的创始成员或学院成员. 其他成员, 来自美国各地, 是因为他们的知识而被选中的, 经验, 和 general ability to assist the College in achieving its purpose. 

当前的州长州长Emeriti | 已故的州长



主席: R. 斯科特图里奇

副主席: 迪特尔Huckestein
主席 和 CEO of Hotel 和 Procurement Services, LLC

总统保罗J. O ' reilly*
BG电子院长, 2022-present; Vice 总统 for Development, 2011-20; Vice 总统 for Advancement, 2020-22; senior tutor

秘书: 约翰J. Goyette*

财务主管: 丹尼斯·麦卡锡*

牧师. Mr. 罗伯特W. 安德鲁斯
Permanent Deacon, Archdiocese of San Francisco; former Managing Director, Cambridge Associates LLC

罗伯特J. 巴贝拉
巴贝拉管理公司总裁, 一家位于蒙罗维亚的房地产投资公司, 加州; 主席 of the Board, 美国教育联盟

布莱恩T. 凯利*

Dean of BG电子, 新英格兰, 和 senior tutor

安吉拉·Y. 康纳利
董事会成员, Archdiocese of Seattle Fulcrum Foundation for Catholic Schools 和 Mary Bridge Children’s Hospital; a member of the BG电子 Class of 1987

R. Coughlin格伦*
Senior tutor 和 former Dean, BG电子

Peter L. DeLuca*
Founder, former Interim 总统, senior tutor, BG电子 

Lumen8 Advisors, LLC

迈克尔·K. 格蕾丝
Intellectual property 和 trial attorney; member of the Sovereign Council of the Sovereign Order of Malta

约翰J. Guinee
Managing partner 和 founder of  Constitution Capital Partners, a full-service alternative asset manager focusing on the North American middle market sector

托马斯J. 凯撒*
Former dean of BG电子, 新英格兰 (2019 to 2022) 和 senior tutor

托马斯·R. 克劳斯
创始合伙人, 克劳斯 Bell Group; 主席 of the Board, Geo-Links; 主席 of the Board, Ojai Chautauqua; 总统, 市场基础 


Michael F .. 麦克莱恩*
BG电子院长, 2009-2022; Dean, 2003-09; Vice 总统 for Development, 1987-92; senior tutor

Mark E. 蒙哥马利
Member of the Board of Directors 和 officer of 蒙哥马利 Management Company, a real estate management 和 development business 在洛杉矶, 加州

Board member: Catholic Leadership Institute, EWTN, Legatus, 和 the Magnificat Foundation

投资者, oil 和 gas ventures 和 marketable securities; Director 和 Officer for various privately held companies; Director for the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs; Knight of the Holy Sepulchre; Knight in the American Association of the Order of Malta

Former president of Endow (Educating on the Nature 和 Dignity of Women)

Richard F. 斯宾塞
总统 和 主席 of the Board of 斯宾塞 Enterprises, Inc.

Founder/Chair of the Center on Philanthropy 和 公共政策 at the University of Southern 加州 Price School of 公共政策; member of the 理事会, Ojai 音乐 Festival; director, Museum of Ventura County; committee member, Campaign for Ojai Hospital/Community Memorial; director, 欧康社区银行

R. 詹姆斯Wensley
凯普斯通涡轮机公司退休总裁兼首席执行官.; former CIO 和 Vice 总统 of Hughes Aircraft Company

安德鲁·W. 加培达于上周五提交
Founder 和 shareholder of Los Angeles-based law firm Lurie, 加培达于上周五提交, Schmalz, Hogan & Martin; founder 和 director of Life Legal Defense Foundation; past president of Pasadena Legatus Chapter;  past chairman of the Board of Directors of St. Monica Academy; inaugural president of the BG电子 校友会; Andy 和 his wife, 安妮塔, are members of the BG电子 class of 1979, 九名校友和两名学生的父母.



Owner, Chateau Montelena Winery in Calistoga, 加州; board member, St. 海伦娜蒙特梭利学校. 海伦娜, 加州)和NPH-USA, 该组织支持九个拉丁美洲和加勒比国家的孤儿和被遗弃儿童之家

詹姆斯P. 康涅狄格州
Retired chief investment officer at Transamerica Corp.

弥尔顿F. (“芽”)
管理普通合伙人,M.F. 每日投资公司

玛丽亚啊. 格兰特
亨廷顿图书馆的监督员, 帕萨迪纳的艺术画廊和花园, 加州; 董事会成员 of the Dan Murphy Foundation 和 the Don Bosco Technical Institute; former 总统, 财务主管, 和 董事会成员 of the Pasadena Mental Health Association

Donald E. 史瓦兹



宾夕法尼亚州哈里斯堡的高级合伙人.他是Ball, Skelly, Murren律师事务所的律师 & 康涅狄格州ell; prominent constitutional lawyer noted for his defense of religious liberty 和 litigation before the U.S. 最高法院

詹姆斯L. 巴雷特
Owner/operator, Chateau Montelena Winery in Calistoga, Calif.; served as senior partner in the Los Angeles law firm of 巴雷特, Sterns, Collins, Gleason & Kinney from 1957 to 1979; onetime director 和 president of the Napa Valley Vintners Association 和 director of Family Winemakers of 加州

马库斯R. Berquist*
Founder 和 senior tutor; formerly taught at St. Mary’s College of 加州 和 the University of San Diego

约翰W. 凯特*
Retired in 1997 after 18 years as Vice-总统 of the College; previously held senior management positions in employee, 工业, 和 labor relations with the 凯撒 companies from 1963-80

哈利克. 布朗,M.D.
抗体治疗公司副总裁., 纽约, 纽约; Clinical Assistant professor of pathology at V和erbilt University School of Medicine; specialist in tropical medicine

Dame of Malta; long active in Catholic social services 和 orphanage work

沃尔特·J. 康涅狄格州
查尔斯·邓恩公司董事长., a property management company 在洛杉矶; Trustee Emeritus of Gonzaga University; board member of the International Theological Institute, 洛杉矶歌剧院, 加州医院医疗中心基金会, 和献身圣心协会

托马斯·E. 狄龙*
BG电子院长, 1991-2009; Dean, 1981-91; tutor since 1972; member of the U.S. Department of 教育’s National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality 和 Integrity, which advises the Secretary of 教育 on matters of accreditation

迷迭香E. •多诺休
A Trustee of the Dan Murphy Foundation 在洛杉矶, 加州, previously worked as a clothing designer 和 marketer.

Attorney in San Francisco, 加州, 和 legal counsel for the Most 牧师. 约瑟夫T. 旧金山大主教麦古肯.

J. 彼得·格蕾丝
董事长兼总裁W.R. 格蕾丝 & Co.

Member of the Board of Directors of Mohawk Paper 米尔斯, Inc. 和St. Vincent’s Hospital 和 Medical Center Auxiliary in 纽约 City; Hospitaller of the American Association of the Order of Malta

威廉R. 海登
Founder, Shopping Bag Food 商店s; Vice-总统, Vons 商店s; 总统, 威廉R. 海登 & 加州圣加布里埃尔联合公司.; Knight Comm和er of the Order of St. 格雷戈里; Knight of Malta; member of the 理事会 of BG电子 1972-1974

威廉J. 艾萨克森
Senior partner in the Chicago law firm of Henehan, Donovan & 艾萨克森; co-founder of the Institute on Religious Life; Knight of Holy Sepulchre; board member of the Catholic League for Religious & 民权运动和许多其他天主教组织

卡尔·N. 因为Karcher
Founder of Carl’s Junior restaurant chain; 主席 Emeritus of Carl 因为Karcher Enterprises; Horatio Alger Award Winner; Knight of Malta

约翰R. •吉利
柏克德公司执行顾问. in San Francisco; Knight of Malta

威廉年代. 劳顿,小.
成立 Board member of the College; served in the Korean 和 Vietnam wars 和 later as a liaison officer in France 和 Japan; graduate of the State Department’s School of Foreign Service

Sr. 艾琳·麦克唐纳,我.H.M.
Superior General of the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Wichita, Kansas

J. 爱德华•马丁
Albert C的合伙人. 马丁协会. 在洛杉矶, 最古老和最大的建筑之一, engineering 和 planning firms in the West; instrumental in soliciting the funds necessary to open the College in 1971

罗纳德·P. 麦克阿瑟*
成立 president 和 tutor of the College; previously taught at San Francisco College for Women, St. Mary’s College of 加州, University of San Francisco, 和 Santa Clara University

赫伯特·H. 麦克达德,小.
Access Pharmaceutical Corp .董事长. 在德克萨斯州的达拉斯.; CEO of 托马斯。 Corp.; former chairman 和 president of Armour Pharmaceutical Corp. 以及其他几家制药公司

Felix年代. 麦金尼斯
总统 of the Leonardt Foundation of Los Angeles; Knight of Malta; Knight of the Holy Sepulchre; Knight of St. 格雷戈里

拉尔夫·米. McInerny
Michael P. 格蕾丝 Professor of Medieval Studies 和 Director of the Jacques Maritain Center at the University of Notre Dame; prolific author 和 co-founder 和 publisher of 危机天主教的档案 杂志

爱德华·N. 米尔斯
米索尔夫公司创始人, a group of chemical 和 energy concerns in Wisconsin, 明尼苏达州, 和 Iowa; Knight Comm和er of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem

弗朗西斯·J. Milligan小.
Senior partner in the Chicago law firm of Hoogendoorn, Talbot, Davids, Godfrey & Milligan; co-founder of the Institute on Religious Life; Knight of Holy Sepulchre; director of National Conference on Christians 和 Jews 和 many Catholic organizations

弗朗西斯·J. 蒙哥马利
蒙哥马利 Management Co .首席执行官., a real estate management 和 development business 在洛杉矶; Knight of Malta; Knight of the Holy Sepulchre; member of 理事会 of BG电子, 1971-2003

约翰W. 梅尔
Founder 和 senior tutor; formerly taught at Santa Clara University 和 at St. Mary’s College of 加州; served as Dean of the College from 1971-81

理查德·L. 高贵的
A partner in the Los Angeles-based law firm of 高贵的 和 Campbell; lecturer at the USC Tax Institute 和 contributor to legal publications; Member of the board of BG电子, 1977-2002

Frederick J. Ruopp
切尔西管理公司董事长兼首席执行官.; Member of the board of BG电子, 1982-2019

约翰·E. Schaeffer
库珀律师事务所的高级合伙人, White 和 Cooper in San Francisco; member of the 理事会, BG电子, 1971-1995

Specialist in internal medicine with practice group in Beverly Hills, Calif., 与圣约翰医院有关, 圣塔莫尼卡, as former Chief of Staff 和 member of its Board of Trustees; associated with 圣塔莫尼卡 Hospital; examiner for the Federal Aviation Administration

Founder of the 首页l和 Foundation 和 the Wethersfield Institute

托马斯P. 沙利文
杰佛逊房地产公司总裁. 及杰佛逊发展公司. 在洛杉矶, 加州; 董事会成员, Right to Life League; Vice 总统 of the Salvation Army Board

威廉一个. 威尔逊
The first United States Ambassador to the Holy See, 1984-86; Personal Envoy to the Vatican (1981-84); 主席 of San Vincente Investments Co., an independent business 和 financial consulting company 在洛杉矶

约瑟夫一. 韦恩
约瑟夫·A总统. 韦恩保险代理公司,旧金山,加州.; Knight of Malta; member of the 理事会 of BG电子 1975-1987; d. 1988

亨利·J. 时间
Founder 和 Director of the 时间 Eye Clinic in Stockton, 加州; fellow of the American College of Surgeons; member of the American Board of Ophthalmology