The Medallion

The Saint 托马斯quinas Medallion, an award established by the Board of Governors of 托马斯quinas College in 1975, is a means of specially recognizing those Catholics who have demonstrated by their lives and work an extraordinary dedication to God and His Holy Catholic Church. Each recipient has exhibited unusual devotion to God and His Church by unfailing adherence to the Magisterium and by influential leadership in advancing the teachings of the Church. The Medallion is awarded by resolution of the Board of Governors on behalf of the entire College community.

Past Recipients of the Saint 托马斯quinas Medallion


Mr. H. Lyman Stebbins †
1976 查尔斯·E. 大米、J.D. †
1977 牧师. Christopher J. O ' toole, C.S.C. †
1978 大多数牧师. 杰罗姆·J. Hastrich, D.D. †
1979 大多数牧师. 诺曼·F. McFarland, D.D., J.C.D. †
1980 科林·G. 克拉克,Ph值.D. †
1981 牧师. 约翰一. Hardon,年代.J. †
1982 St. Teresa of Calcutta, M.C. †
1985 Mr. 卡尔·N. 因为Karcher __
拉尔夫·米. McInerny, Ph.D. †
1986 牧师. 托马斯. McGovern, S.J. † (In Memoriam)
诺曼·P. De Silva, Ph.D. † (In Memoriam)
1987 牧师. Monsignor Vincent I. 卡罗尔__
1989 John Cardinal O’Connor †
1990 Herbert Ratner, M.D. †
1991 Sr. Eileen MacDonald, I.H.M. † (In Memoriam)
1993 Sir Daniel J. Donohue) __
1995 大多数牧师. 雷纳托R. 马蒂诺
1996 罗纳德·P. McArthur, Ph.D. †
牧师们. Ladislas K. 帕克,.Praem., S.T.D. †
The Honorable William P. 克拉克,J.D. †

Anthony Cardinal Bevilacqua †
牧师. 托马斯。 Conn, S.J. † (In Memoriam)

1999 Jan Cardinal Schotte †
2000 The Honorable Jeremiah A. 丹顿,小. †
2001 Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I. †
2002 Christoph Cardinal Schönborn, O.P.
2003 J. Francis Cardinal Stafford
2004 Francis Cardinal Arinze
2005 Avery Cardinal Dulles, S.J. †
2006 大多数牧师. Celestino Migliori
2007 Albert Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith
2008 George Cardinal Pell
2009 Dr. 托马斯·E. 狄龙__ (In Memoriam)
Marc Cardinal Ouellet
2010 Raymond Cardinal Burke, D.D., J.C.D.
2011 The 大多数牧师. 何塞·H. 戈麦斯,年代.T.D.
Mr. 马库斯R. Berquist † (In Memoriam)


Peter L. Deluca
约翰W. 梅尔, Ph.D. †
Mother Mary Assumpta Long, O.P.

2013 牧师. Cornelius M. Buckley, S.J.
Daniel Cardinal DiNardo
2014 Edwin Cardinal O’Brien
2015 Sr. Regina Marie Gorman, O.C.D.
2016 The 大多数牧师. Salvatore J. Cordileone
Gerhard Cardinal Müller
2017  Mother Agnes Mary Donovan, S.V.
2018 The 大多数牧师. 罗伯特·C. Morlino __
2019 The 大多数牧师. 罗伯特E. 巴伦
2021 最. 牧师. 托马斯J. Paprocki

卡尔一个. 安德森
Michael F .. 麦克莱恩,Ph值.D.

大多数牧师. 罗伯特J. 麦克马纳斯,年代.T.D.

2023 The 大多数牧师. 詹姆斯D. 康利,D.D., S.T.L.