(Thomas Aquinas College 新闻letter, Spring 2003 )


理查德高贵理查德劳埃德诺布尔, a brilliant securities lawyer and an active member of the Board of Governors of Thomas Aquinas College since 1977, 12月10日去世, 2002, 在洛杉矶. 他享年63岁. Funeral and interment services were held on January 15, 2003, in Ardmore, Okla., where he was interred next to his 父亲, 劳埃德高贵, a legend in the oil production industry.

1939年10月11日出生于俄克拉荷马城. 高贵的 lived most of his adult life 在洛杉矶. A graduate of both Stanford University and Stanford University 法律 School, he passed the 加州 State Bar in April 1965, 直到去世都是会员. 两次发表于 斯坦福法律评论, Mr. 高贵的 received the rare honor of being published for the first time in this review as an undergraduate.

“他是一个非常好的人, 一个非常聪明的人, 在一些情况下给了我很大的帮助, 极其精明的律师, 也是一辈子的好朋友,律师兼董事会成员说 约翰·E. Schaeffer. Mr. 谢弗帮助招募了奥巴马. 高贵的 from Stanford 法律 School to his San Francisco law firm of 库珀, White & 库珀. 1967年,. 高贵的 returned to Los Angeles, where he became a partner with Voegelin, Barton, Harris & 其. 1970年,他创立了自己的公司高贵的 & 坎贝尔.

A lifelong Republican and generous benefactor to conservative causes, Mr. 高贵的’s passion for politics was fostered at Stanford, during which time he served as president of the Young Republicans. He was later appointed by former 加州 Gov. George Deukmejian to serve on the Colorado River Board, a post for which he was singularly well-qualified due to the depth of his understanding of water rights law.

He had researched the issue extensively and coauthored an article with Charles J. Meyers, which appeared in the 1967 issue of the 斯坦福法律评论. He served on the Colorado River Board from his appointment on June 29, 1983, through 1994.

“我们不仅一起工作, 他也是我的私人朋友,丹尼斯·安德伍德回忆道, former executive secretary and executive director of the Colorado River Board during much of Mr. 高贵的任期. “Richard added a dimension to the Board that was extremely helpful because of his long involvement in the political arena and his personal involvement with Gov. 德梅吉安和当时的麦凯恩. 皮特·威尔逊. He was a tremendous help at a time when we especially needed assistance.”

理查德是一个狂热的读者, 一位有成就的作家和演说家, 也是许多人的朋友,保拉·威林斯指出, 和先生一起工作的人. 贵族18年. “Many people have called to express condolences and talk about fond memories.”

Mr. 高贵的 had a special affection for Thomas Aquinas College. “He was a good and generous man,” said Vice President for Finance and Administration 彼得DeLuca她与奥巴马先生的友谊. 高贵的 was forged 40 years ago when each was president of his respective college chapter of Young Republicans. “他是一个才华横溢的人. We very much appreciated his 朋友hip and his longtime involvement with the College. I believe he felt a kinship with fellow Board members.”

“Thomas Aquinas College was one of his chief interests,” echoes Mr. 弗雷德Ruopp, chairman and CEO of Chelsea Management Company, an investment counseling firm 在洛杉矶. Mr. 鲁普认识奥巴马先生. 高贵的 for 25 years and served with him on the College’s Board of Governors. “Richard believed that people should investigate ideas and facts for themselves. He thought that played out in the scholarship and educational methods of the College.”

“He was very competent and precise, a man of broad interests and very articulate,” adds Mr. Ruopp. “He had a great command of names, dates, history, and events. He was very bright, interested in politics and history, and had many aesthetic interests. 我们进行了许多长而有趣的谈话.”

As a young child often accompanying his mother to estate sales, Mr. 诺布尔发现了, 并最终成为了一个收藏家, 除此之外, 古董, 东方地毯, 玉鼻烟盒, 和艺术, including an extensive collection of nautical paintings.

“He often referred to himself as a man of the 17th century,” recalls Mrs. 下手. “He was a gentleman — very proper with a wry wit.”

“The loss of Dick 高贵的 is a great loss to us,” said President 托马斯·E. 狄龙.“Dick had so much to offer and was always an active participant at our Board meetings. His length of service on our Board — 25 years — is just one measure of his commitment to us, particularly in view of the many struggles we faced early in his tenure to maintain the very existence of our College. He was a steadfast friend through some lean and difficult times.”

Mr. 高贵的 is preceded in death by his beloved mother, 埃路易斯高贵, 父亲, 劳埃德高贵, 和同父异母的兄弟, 山姆高贵. 他有一个同父异母的妹妹, 安·诺布尔·布朗, 同父异母的兄弟, Ed高贵, 外甥和外甥女, 劳埃德高贵, 尼古拉斯高贵, 罗素高贵, 雪莱·诺布尔·德鲁, 大卫•布朗, 苏珊布朗, 玛丽安·布朗·鲁尼, 还有薇薇安·诺布尔·杜博斯, 还有无数的孙子孙女和侄子.

2月22日, 2003, a memorial Mass was held for 理查德高贵 on the campus of Thomas Aquinas College and was attended by his nephew, 劳埃德高贵, 几位董事会成员, 朋友, 以及学院社区的成员.