New England
Dean, Tutor
East Hall, Room 201

Curriculum Vitae

B.A., Connecticut College, 1987; M.A., philosophy, Boston College, 1995; Ph.D., philosophy, Boston College, 2016; Board of Governors Scholarship, The Catholic University of America, 1992; Peebles and McGuire Fellowship, The Catholic University of America, 1993; Graduate Fellowship, 中世纪哲学和神学研究所, Boston College, 1995; Instructor in Greek and Latin, The Catholic University of America, 1992; Professor, College of Humanities, Legionaries of Christ, 1994-1998; Professor, Center for Higher Studies, Legionaries of Christ, 1997-98; Tutor, Thomas Aquinas College, 1998–; Dean, Thomas Aquinas College, New England, 2022-.



当史蒂夫·凯恩在佛罗里达州西棕榈滩上高中的时候,考试作弊并不是什么大事. 他不明白为什么他的大一同学不帮他做拉丁语考试的答案. But Tony Andres was unlike everyone else. 首先,他是史蒂夫认识的孩子中,包括他自己在内,唯一一个父母没有离婚的. 他很聪明,运动能力强,来自一个会熬夜讨论有趣的事情的家庭. And he was Catholic.

史蒂夫很惊讶托尼竟然不帮他作弊. That struck him as a good thing. 然后,他和托尼进行了许多严肃的对话,讨论了许多严肃的问题,这些问题使托尼走上了信仰之路. The oldest of three children, Steve was baptized Episcopalian, but he was functionally pagan, raised without any church involvement. “Tony never openly proselytized me; he simply explained his position about things I couldn’t fathom, like why he wouldn’t go to the mall on Sunday.”

On graduation from high school, Tony came to Thomas Aquinas College; Steve “wasted” a year at Florida State University. 他们继续通信,并在休息时拜访,他们的谈话变得更好. 史蒂夫可以看到学院对他朋友的影响. He toyed with the idea of enrolling himself, 但我觉得不值得离开家人和朋友这么远. And, besides, it was Catholic and he was not. 他决定回到东北部靠近父亲的地方,就读康涅狄格学院.

与此同时,他继续和托尼说话,效果很好. 在他大三开始的时候,史蒂夫成为了天主教徒. “如果你能在康涅狄格学院这样的地方皈依,这就是上帝存在的确切迹象,” he says. 史蒂夫不知道的是,托尼邀请了他的大学朋友, including a young sophomore girl, Mary O’Hara, to pray for him.

那年春假期间,史蒂夫来学院看望托尼. 第一节课,导师因为车的问题迟到了. 史蒂夫很惊讶地看到学生们在没有他的情况下开始上课. 更让他印象深刻的是,老师在课堂上悄悄出现了, but naturally, entered the conversation. 校园宵禁、单性别宿舍和夜间祈祷是其他令人好奇的事情. 他看到他们很好,后悔自己没有上学院.

But God had other plans in store. 与托尼的谈话使史蒂夫对亚里士多德和圣. Thomas. 康涅狄格大学的哲学课程是有限制的, 于是他转读古典文学,主修物理双学位, 以优异的成绩毕业,两个专业都很优秀.

At Tony’s recommendation, 史蒂夫搬到了波士顿,在一所天主教高中教授物理和哲学,并在圣母升天学院旁听杜安·伯奎斯特教授的哲学课程, brother of Thomas Aquinas co-founder Marcus R. Berquist. 史蒂夫被伯奎斯特的博学所打动,并开始参加这位著名的托马斯主义教授的学习小组,这个小组后来持续了10年. Joining the group was Mary O’Hara, freshly graduated from Thomas Aquinas, pursuing graduate studies at Boston College. The two fell in love with more than just St. Thomas’ commentary on Aristotle’s physics. They married two years later.

Steve taught for a year at Trivium Academy, a classical high school in Lancaster, Massachusetts, 然后进入天主教大学攻读希腊语和拉丁语的研究生课程. 在完成古典文学硕士学位的课程后, 他回到波士顿学院,获得哲学硕士和博士学位. 在攻读研究生和杜安·伯奎斯特的私人家庭辅导期间, 他曾在基督学院神学院及其高等研究中心担任人文学科教授.

1998年,托马斯·阿奎那大学(Thomas Aquinas)开设了一个导师职位,史蒂夫抓住了这个机会. For him, it was a chance to make up for lost time; for his alumna wife, Mary, a homecoming. They have six children together.

Steve says teaching at the College is humbling. “一般来说,老师应该掌握材料. 但在这种教学模式下,学生会问一些你可能不知道答案的问题. 我们的目标是能够说“我不知道”,然后一起寻找答案. 你用这种方式展现了一种共同事业的感觉. 你会发现导师是这里的同学.”

Steve loves the interaction with students. 课堂内的对话经常会延伸到课堂外. You have meals with students, social activities with students, 你和学生建立了友谊——这就是智力生活应该有的样子, a common endeavor. 当我作为一名讲师教书时,我总是筋疲力尽地下课. But here, I come out invigorated.”

And Steve still sees much of his old friend Tony Andres她现在也是学院的一名教师.


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