
The College has a safety alert system which is intended for use only in the rare occurrence of a danger to the community as a whole or some other event that requires immediate action. In such an event this system will be used to send out a mass text message to help spread the safety alert as quickly as possible among the on-campus community. Designated staff will promptly deliver the message in person to buildings in which cell phones are prohibited. If there should be an emergency need for the whole student body to assemble, the chapel bells will also ring for at least three minutes as a sign to assemble in St. 约瑟夫共用. 学生 will be automatically enrolled in the safety alert system using the cell phone number they provided during registration. 学生 should update the Dean’s Office if their cell phone number changes during the year.



Forest fires are a very real danger in southern 加州 and the campus has been threatened periodically by fires in the Los Padres National Forest (one of the largest forest fires in 加州 history started one mile from the College and burned around all sides of the campus in 2017). 这是必须的, 因此, that students observe the campfire restrictions posted by the Forest Service when camping or socializing in the Los Padres National Forest. These restrictions are strictly enforced, and ignoring them may result in fines or imprisonment. The failure to follow the fire restrictions also has the potential of starting a forest fire that could threaten the campus, 造成数百万美元的损失, 并导致法律责任.

因为有潜在的火灾危险, any use of the fire pit or barbecue adjacent to the third pond must be approved by the Assistant Dean. 出于同样的原因, 在校园燃放烟花, 或者在国家森林里, 是严格禁止的.



All of the buildings on campus are equipped with emergency fire exits and fire alarm pull boxes. 学生 should familiarize themselves with the location of the fire doors and fire alarm pull boxes in their dormitory.

In case of fire, pull the nearest fire alarm, exit the building, and call 911.

Do not return to the building until instructed to do so by a Prefect or college official.



以防发生地震, 倒在地上, take cover by getting under a sturdy table or other piece of furniture, 坚持住,直到震动停止. 如果地震发生的时候你在那里,就呆在床上. 地震时从建筑物中逃生是很危险的. The important thing is to keep clear of falling objects and to stay away from windows, 什么会在地震中破碎.

Stay indoors until the shaking stops and you are sure it is safe to exit. 因为可能会有碎玻璃和其他碎片, 出大楼时最好穿鞋.

如果地震时你在户外, be alert for rocks and other debris that could be loosened from the surrounding hills. Find a clear spot away from buildings, trees, outdoor lights, and power lines.

预计余震. The procedure is the same for aftershocks as it is for earthquakes.



The Dean and the Assistant Dean will order an evacuation if advised to do so by a civil authority.

如果院长和副院长下令疏散, the chapel bells will also ring for at least three minutes as a sign to assemble in St. 约瑟夫共用. 学生 may also receive an emergency alert on their cell phones. 大家都到下议院集合之后, 一名学校官员将告知紧急情况的性质, 疏散中心, 以及其他必要的说明.

  • 学生 that are off campus at the time of an evacuation should contact a Prefect from their dormitory to check in and receive further instructions. They should not return to campus unless explicitly instructed to do so.
  • 在下议院开会后, students may be instructed to return to their residence halls to gather essential items (e.g., 车钥匙, 驾照, 睡袋, 和枕头), but priority should be given to evacuating persons rather than taking personal property.
  • No vehicle should depart until each seat is filled and it has been checked by a Prefect at the front gate.

学生的安全是当务之急. 这些建筑都配备了消防喷头,并投保了保险. 必要时可以更换.


The College has a safety alert system which is intended for use only in the rare occurrence of a danger to the community as a whole that requires immediate action. In such an event this system will be used to send out a mass text message to help spread the safety alert as quickly as possible among the on-campus community. Designated staff will promptly deliver the message in person to buildings in which cell phones are prohibited. 学生 will be automatically enrolled in the safety alert system using the cell phone number they provided during registration. 学生 should update the Dean’s Office if their cell phone number changes during the year.



学生宿舍, 食堂, 教学楼, 图书馆, and gymnasium are all equipped with emergency fire exits and fire alarm pull boxes. 学生 should familiarize themselves with the location of all exits and fire alarm pull boxes in their residence hall.

In case of fire, pull the nearest fire alarm, exit the building, and call 911.

The Northfield Fire Department will respond to any fire or smoke alarm in these campus buildings, 它们与中央报警系统相连. No one should attempt to shut off an alarm at the building alarm panel, 除非在消防局的指示下, 即使已知的报警原因是次要的. Do not return to the building until instructed to do so by the Fire Department.



Each building has a first aid kit kept near its entrance; in the residence halls, 然而, 每层楼都有一名级长保管急救箱. aed位于:St. 吉安娜·莫拉·霍尔(帕尔默), Dolben图书馆, 小教堂(侧门), 食堂(古尔德), 还有体育馆.