


媒体联系人:Chris Weinkopf,传播总监



圣宝拉, CA — August 3 — The rumbles of heavy machinery can be heard on Thomas Aquinas College’s 加州 campus, 新的体育中心在哪里动工了, 得到了弗里茨B基金会1500万美元的资助. 洛杉矶伯恩斯基金会. 该设施, which will likely be completed before the start of the 2021–22 academic year, will bear the name of a saint of recent times who was both a friend of the young and a champion of physical fitness: 教皇圣. 约翰·保罗二世.

“我们非常感谢弗里茨B. 燃烧的基础, which has supported the construction of several buildings at the college and now surpasses its past generosity with its largest grant to date,迈克尔. 麦克莱恩. “为了子孙后代, BG电子的学生, 加州, 将在教皇圣. 约翰·保罗二世运动中心, as they train their minds in our classrooms and nurture their souls in the Chapel.”

Located on the previous site of the campus’ outdoor basketball and tennis courts, 17,2000平方英尺的教皇街. 约翰·保罗二世运动中心是 designed to visually connect the upper and lower parts of the campus.

从外部看, its most distinctive feature will be a four-story clock tower, loosely modeled after the one in Santa Barbara’s historic City Hall. 在后面, 或南, 建筑的一部分将是运动中心的六车道, 25码无波泳池, 还有照明的室外网球场和篮球场. 新建足球场和棒球场, 配有看台座位, 只在大楼的西面可见吗. 和, 到前面去, the arched vestibule will look onto a campus picnic area that will host all-college barbeques and other events.

在教堂内部,教皇圣. 约翰·保罗二世运动中心 will feature a gymnasium equipped with beautiful hardwood floors — configured for basketball and volleyball — spectator seating, 还有一个电子记分板. The college’s men and women will enjoy separate weight and workout rooms, 哪个连接更衣室和游泳池. Housed within the bell tower will be a feature that promises to be a favorite among students: a climbing room that boasts two 32-foot-high scaling walls and a 12-foot-high bouldering wall.

到了为这个运动中心命名的时候了, 学院和弗里茨B的官员. 伯恩斯基金会一致同意 教皇圣. 约翰·保罗二世 — a lifelong athlete who wrote eloquently about what the human body can teach us about its Creator — would be the ideal patron. “In our consultations with the foundation’s directors,” says Dr. 麦克莱恩, “we came to see that 约翰·保罗二世 could serve as an especially meaningful model for our students in his athleticism, 他的学识, 教皇陛下.”

教皇圣塔的建筑师. 约翰·保罗二世运动中心是 安东尼·格鲁宾(2000年), 哈里森设计公司圣巴巴拉办事处的负责人, 学院的校友, 也是两个学生的父亲. Mr. Grumbine is a graduate of the master’s program at the University of Notre Dame School of Architecture, 他在那里学习 邓肯Stroik的设计架构师 圣母圣三一教堂.

“As an architect whose mentor designed the 加州教堂 — arguably one of the most beautiful and successful sacred buildings built since World War II — it is an incredible honor to be a part of the College’s continued legacy of beauty, 真理, 还有建筑形式的善,先生说。. Grumbine.

Serving as contractor for the athletic center is RCI Builders of Thousand Oaks, 加州, whose previous work includes several athletic facilities in the region, among them the Westlake Village YMCA and the new headquarters for the Los Angeles Rams. “We began this project almost two years ago by surveying members of the community as to which features they would value most for our athletic facilities,马克·克雷奇默说, 学院负责运营的副校长. “We then began the lengthy process of designing the new facilities and getting the permits to build them. So it’s exciting to have at last reached the construction phase.”

在教皇街工作. 约翰·保罗二世运动中心是 expected to be completed sometime next summer. “Our students have long waited to have an athletic center on this campus,” says Dr. 麦克莱恩. “感谢上帝的恩典和弗里茨B. 伯恩斯基金会的慷慨, their patience will soon be rewarded with an excellent facility worthy of its patron’s name.”


四年, co-educational institution with campuses in 加州 and Massachusetts, Thomas Aquinas College has developed over the past 49 years a solid reputation for academic excellence in the United States and abroad. It is highly ranked by organizations such as The Princeton Review, U. S. 新闻, 吉卜林. At Thomas Aquinas College all students acquire a broad and fully integrated liberal education. The College offers one, four-year, classical curriculum that spans the major arts and sciences. 而不是阅读课本, students read the original works of the greatest thinkers in Western civilization — the Great Books — in all the major disciplines: mathematics, 自然科学, 文学, 哲学, 和神学. The academic life of the college is conducted under the light of the Catholic faith and flourishes within a close-knit community, 由充满活力的精神生活支撑的. Graduates consistently excel in the many world-class institutions at which they pursue graduate degrees in fields such as law, 医学, 业务, 神学与教育. 他们在担任律师时表现出色, 医生, 企业主, 牧师, 男女军人, 教育工作者, 记者和大学校长. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.hkwroof.com.