添加到日历 2024-06-23 00:00:00 2024-06-30 23:59:59 One-Week Great Books Program for High School 学生 BG电子 tacweb@hkwroof.com 美国/ Los_Angeles 公共

High school students from around the country join members of the teaching faculty on the campus of BG电子, 加州, for spirited conversation, engaging firsth和 some of the best works of the past 2,500年. They read 和 discuss works selected from the masters of the Western intellectual tradition, 包括柏拉图, 欧几里得, 索福克勒斯, 莎士比亚, St. Thomas Aquinas, Pascal, 和 Boethius. It is a time for forging new friendships, for enjoying the give 和 take of rational argument, 和 for pursuing the truth, 而教化, 拔高, 和释放. 它是。 Summer Great Books Program at BG电子, 加州!

The pursuit of wisdom begins with wonder — wonder about the causes 和 principles of man 和 nature, 对上帝感到好奇, who is the first cause 和 principle of all things. Through serious consideration of questions which deeply concern each person — 和 the whole of society — the Summer Program at BG电子 encourages wonder 和 leads participants toward wisdom.


The great books are the seminal works in all the major areas of learning, 包括数学, 科学, 文学, 哲学, 和神学. In studying 和 discussing these works, 而不是教科书, students engage firsth和 with the greatest minds of Western civilization. The great books open up for the student the truth about reality. Studied carefully under the light of the 信仰, they animate the minds 和 hearts of students, satisfying the hunger for the truth that makes men free.

课程 & 讨论方法
During the first week of the program, discussions focus on questions concerning religious, 道德, 和 political authority raised by 索福克勒斯 in 俄狄浦斯雷克斯安提戈涅柏拉图在 克里托. The account of the creation 和 fall of man in Genesis prompts a discussion about man’s nature 和 free will. 克尔凯郭尔的 恐惧与颤抖, Pascal’s famous essay on the “wager,” 和 St. Thomas Aquinas’ proofs for the existence of God all occasion considerations of the right relation between faith 和 reason. The great French naturalist J. Henri Fabre argues for purpose 和 订单 in nature, 面对那些, like some pre-Socratic philosophers, subscribe to the perennial idea of a godless universe, purely material 和 existing by chance.

The second week begins with 莎士比亚’s 麦克白, a portrayal of fallen man in all of his imperfection 和 corruption. 看看欧几里得 元素 demonstrates the intelligibility, 订单, 和 accessibility of mathematical ideas when they are understood through their causes. The curriculum concludes with a reading of Boethius’ classic work, the Consolation of Philosophy, which addresses more fully many of the issues considered throughout the program. 上课, like all classes at BG电子, using the Discussion Method, guided by members of the teaching faculty. Class size is limited to 17 students in 订单 to allow each student the opportunity to contribute to the discussions.

The location of BG电子, New 加州, is ideal for recreation of all sorts. In addition to daily sports, 偶尔看电影, 和 hiking in the hills surrounding the campus, the program includes trips to the Getty Museum, a concert in Los Angeles, 和 Santa Barbara for volleyball on the beach 和 exploration of the historic city.

BG电子 is genuinely Catholic 和 has a rich sacramental life. Mass is offered daily, 和 a chaplain is available on campus at all times. None of the religious activities are m和atory, however, 和 non-Catholic students are truly welcome.
