
BG电子 is committed to complying with all applicable laws prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, color, 国家的起源, 性, 残疾, 或者它的项目和活动的年龄. 任何相信学院的人, 通过它的任何一个代理, 官员, 项目, 或活动, violated any such applicable law should notify the official below promptly so that complaints can be quickly and fairly resolved. The official will investigate the alleged incident promptly and thoroughly, 给有关各方一个解释的机会. 工作人员会将最终决定通知投诉人, 投诉人可向主席提出哪些上诉, 谁的决定是最终的.

已指定下列人员处理投诉, 或询问, BG电子这项非歧视政策:

St. 托马斯·霍尔,101室
(805) 421-5930
电子邮件: qmasteller@hkwroof.com


Title IX of the 教育 Amendments of 1972 prohibits discrimination based on 性 in education 项目 and activities that receive federal financial assistance.

Mr. 约翰·昆西·马斯特勒 serves as BG电子’s 第九条协调员. 作为第九条协调员, he is responsible for ensuring that the College complies with Title IX and properly investigates complaints of 性ual discrimination, 骚扰, 攻击, 暴力, 以及来自学生的其他基于性别的投诉, 教职员工. Mr. Masteller is also responsible for ensuring that the College community is properly trained regarding Title IX.

Mr. Masteller的BG电子是:

St. 托马斯·霍尔,101室
(805) 421-5930
电子邮件: qmasteller@hkwroof.com

Mr. Masteller also serves as BG电子’s General Counsel.


BG电子 is committed to providing a school environment that is free of 骚扰, 包括性骚扰. 如果你认为你受到了这样的骚扰, or if you witness conduct that you believe constitutes 骚扰, you should report the matter to the 副院长 或第九条协调员 immediately so that complaints can be quickly and fairly resolved.

The law protects you from any retaliation for reporting or participating in an investigation of a discrimination or discriminatory 骚扰 complaint. A prompt and thorough investigation of the alleged incident will be conducted. 尽可能地, the investigation and any subsequent action will proceed in an atmosphere of confidentiality.

Sexual 骚扰 is considered to be unlawful 性 discrimination and may be found when, 除其他原因外, 一个学生发起不受欢迎的性侵犯, 与性有关的言论或笑话, 或者其他与性有关的言语或身体行为, which has the purpose or effect of creating a hostile and intimidating environment sufficiently severe or pervasive to substantially impair a reasonable person’s participation in the College’s 项目 或活动. In determining whether alleged conduct constitutes 性ual 骚扰, consideration shall be given to the record of the incident as a whole and to the totality of the circumstances, 包括指称事件发生的背景.


St. 托马斯·霍尔,132室
(805) 421-5958
St. 托马斯莫尔大厅,11号房
(413) 846-1155




Sexual 攻击 can cause significant harm to another person and is the most serious form of 性ual misconduct. Not only is it morally reprehensible, it is legally prohibited and can carry significant penalties.

鉴于性侵犯的严重性, any incident of 性ual 攻击 should be immediately reported to a Prefect, 负责学生事务的副院长, 居民助理, 或第九条协调员. The College will aid the victim in notifying local law enforcement 官员 (Ventura County Sheriff) if the victim desires to do so. 受害者不需要通知他们. 注意那些成为性侵犯受害者的学生, 或者是性侵犯的目击证人, 饮酒过量时, 违反宵禁, 或者有其他类似违法行为的, will not be sanctioned for such infractions when coming forward to report 性ual 攻击.

The 副院长 will normally be the primary investigating officer of a complaint of 性ual 攻击. He will take all necessary measures to protect the privacy of the victim and all individuals involved, 包括被告, 目击者, 调查学院的官员. All individuals involved in the investigation and evaluation of complaints shall similarly treat all information they learn as confidential and shall not disclose any such confidential information in order to protect the privacy of all individuals involved in the process.

The 副院长 will make a report to a committee composed as follows: in 加州, a committee of the Dean and the Associate Dean; and, 在马萨诸塞州, a committee of the Dean and one other senior member of the Instruction Committee. The small size of this committee is designed to preserve as much as possible the anonymity of the complainant and the accused, and those officers of the College are given the annual training for investigating and adjudicating cases of 性ual 攻击.

鉴于性侵造成的严重伤害, 这种行为通常会被开除. 无论如何, the committee’s decision will be simultaneously communicated in writing to all involved parties. 任何上诉应向主席提出.

The College’s chaplains, resident assistant, and/or campus counselors, Mr. Gregory Wood(805-816-7854)和Dr. Nichole Sablan (209-502-4673), are available for counseling the victim and the respondent. If a victim or respondent would like to seek off-campus counseling, 学院推荐Priscilla Batarse, MS, LMFT, CMHIMP, 通车, 在文图拉, CA: 805-616-1450. 另外, catholictherapists.com 可能是有用的资源. Victim advocacy, legal assistance, and other services can be found here: http://1800victims.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/English.pdf.