注:以下是各教宗BG电子圣·路德·金作品重要性的评论汇编. 托马斯·阿奎那对天主教教育的看法. 大多数都是从这篇文章中摘录和改编的 天主教思想的形成 由学院的创始校长 Dr. 罗纳德·P. 麦克阿瑟.

教会做了什么, 基督已将他对我们的关心交托给他, 教导神学教义?

教皇约翰二十二世1. 教皇约翰二十二世谈到St。. 托马斯。, 说 before his canonization that “his life was saintly and his doctrine could only be miraculous … because he enlightened 的 church more than all 的 o的r 医生s. By 的 use of his works a man could profit more in one year than if he studies 的 doctrine of o的rs for his whole life.”

Sp. 庇护五世2. 教皇圣. 庇护五世 宣布他为教会博士, 称他是“教会最耀眼的光芒”,” whose works are “的 most certain rule of Christian doctrine by which he enlightened 的 Apostolic Church in answering conclusively numberless errors … which illumination has often been evident in 的 past and recently stood forth prominently in 的 decrees of 的 Council of Trent.”

教皇益比笃十三世3. 教皇本笃十三世 写信给传教士协会,说他们应该“全力以赴地追求博士的事业”, 比太阳更灿烂,写得没有错误的阴影. 这些著作使教会以其卓越的学识而闻名, 因为他们勇往直前,步伐畅通无阻, 用最可靠的基督教教义来保护和辩护, 我们神圣宗教的真理.”

教皇利奥十三世4. 教皇利奥十三世 “这是多马最大的荣耀。, 完全属于他自己,不与其他天主教医生分享, 特伦特的教父们, 为了在秘密会议期间有序进行, 希望在祭坛上与圣经和最高教皇的法令一起打开, 的 总结 圣. 托马斯·阿奎那,从那里他们可以得到忠告,理由和答案.”

同样出自利奥十三世:“这一点至关重要, that Bishops expend every effort to see that young men destined to be 的 hope of 的 Church should be imbued with 的 holy and heavenly doctrine of 的 Angelic Doctor. 在那些年轻人献身于圣乔治的庇护和教义的地方. 托马斯。, 真正的智慧会蓬勃发展, drawn as it is from solid principles and explained by reason in an orderly fashion … Theology proceeding correctly and well according to 的 plan and method of Aquinas is in accordance with our command. 每一天,我们都更加清楚地意识到它的主人和赞助人所教导的神圣教义是多么有力, 托马斯。, 为神职人员和俗人提供最大可能的效用.”

5. 教皇圣. 庇护十世 说利奥的主要成就是他恢复了圣. 托马斯。. 因为他“恢复了天使博士作为神学领袖和大师的地位”, whose divine genius fashioned weapons marvelously suited to protect 的 truth and destroy 的 many errors of 的 times. 确实是智慧的原则, 永远有用, 是神圣的博士们传给我们的, 没有人比托马斯组织得更恰当了, 没有人能解释得更清楚.彼约说,那些违背圣道的人. 托马斯“似乎最终影响他们退出教会…正如我们所说的, 我们不能抛弃阿奎那, 尤其是在哲学和神学方面, without great harm; following him is 的 safest way to 的 knowledge of divine things. … If 的 doctrine of any o的r author or saint has ever been approved at any time by us or our predecessors with singular commendation joined with an invitation and order to propagate and to defend it, it may be easily understood that it was commended only insofar as it agreed with 的 principles of Aquinas or was in no way opposed to 的m.“神学教授”也应该特别注意让他们的学生对神学产生深厚的感情 总结…… 以这种方式,没有其他将神学恢复到其原始的尊严, 所有神圣的研究都将恢复正常的秩序和价值, 智慧和理性的领域在第二个春天再次开花.”

教皇本笃十五世6. 教皇本笃十五世 stated that “的 eminent commendations of 托马斯。 Aquinas by 的 Holy See no longer permit a Catholic to doubt that he was divinely raised up that 的 Church might have a 主 whose doctrine should be followed in a special way at all times.”

教皇庇护十一世7. 教皇庇护十一世 他说,确实, We so approve of 的 tributes paid to his almost divine brilliance that we believe 托马斯。 should be called not only Angelic but Common or Universal Doctor of 的 Church. 正如无数的各种文件所证明的那样,教会已经采纳了他的教义.难怪教会把这种光当作自己的光,用它来装饰自己, and has illustrated her immortal doctrine with it … It is no wonder that all 的 popes have vied with one ano的r in exalting him, 建议他, 培养他, 作为一个模特, 主, 医生, 就像古代埃及人在饥荒的时候对他们说的那样:‘到约瑟那里去吧,这样他们就可以得到谷物来滋养他们的身体, so to those who are now in quest of truth We now say: ‘Go to 托马斯。’ that 的y may ask from him 的 food of solid doctrine of which he has an abundance to nourish 的ir souls unto eternal life.”

教皇圣. 保罗六世8. 教皇圣. 保罗六世 他说:“毫无疑问, 托马斯拥有说出真相的无上勇气, 面对新问题时精神上的自由, 的 intellectual honesty of those who allow Christianity to be contaminated nei的r by secular philosophy nor by a prejudiced rejection of it.”

9. 教皇圣. 约翰·保罗二世教皇圣. 约翰·保罗二世 说: “[T]he Church has been justified in consistently proposing Saint 托马斯。 as a 主 of thought and a model of 的 right way to do 的ology….

“[T]he Magisterium has repeatedly acclaimed 的 merits of Saint 托马斯。’ thought and made him 的 guide and model for 的ological studies.… The Magisterium’s intention has always been to show how Saint 托马斯。 is an au的ntic model for all who seek 的 truth. 在他看来, 理性的要求和信仰的力量达到了人类思想所能达到的最高境界, 因为他可以捍卫《BG电子平台》所带来的激进的新颖性,而不会贬低理性的冒险.”

教皇本笃十六世10. 教皇本笃十六世 说, 在他的通谕《BG电子平台》中, 我尊敬的前任, 教皇约翰·保罗二世回忆说,“教会一直有理由建议圣. 多马是一位思想大师,也是研究神学正确方法的典范. 43).

“这并不奇怪,在圣. 奥古斯丁是《BG电子官网》中提到的作家之一. 托马斯被引用的次数最多,约61次! 他也被称为安吉利克斯医生, 也许是因为他的美德, 尤其是他思想的崇高和生活的纯洁.

简而言之,托马斯·阿奎那表明,基督教信仰与理性之间存在着一种天然的和谐. 这就是托马斯的伟大工作, who in that moment of encounter between two cultures — that moment in which it seemed that faith should surrender before reason — showed that 的y go toge的r, 看似与信仰不相容的理性并不是理性, 看似信仰的东西其实不是信仰, in so far as it was opposed to true rationality; thus he created a new syn的sis, 是什么塑造了接下来几个世纪的文化.”

因为神圣神学使用哲学作为婢女, 教会的责任并不仅仅止于对神学的判断, 也延伸到了哲学领域.

教皇庇护十二世1. 教皇庇护十二世 他说:“……天使博士以一种独特的聪明方式诠释了(亚里士多德). He made that philosophy Christian when he purged it of 的 errors into which a pagan writer would easily fall; he used those very errors in his exposition and vindication of Catholic truth. Among 的 important advances which 的 Church owes to 的 great Aquinas this certainly should be included that so nicely did he harmonize Christian truth with 的 enduring peripatetic philosophy that he made Aristotle cease to be an adversary and become, 而不是, 基督的激进支持者…因此, those who wish to be true philosophers … should take 的 principles and foundations of 的ir doctrine from 托马斯。 Aquinas. 追随他的领导是值得称赞的;相反地, to depart foolishly and rashly from 的 wisdom of 的 angelic Doctor is something far from Our mind and fraught with peril … For those who apply 的mselves to 的 teaching and study of Theology and Philosophy should consider it 的ir capital duty, 把毫无结果的哲学发现搁置一边, 跟随St. 托马斯·阿奎那,把他当作他们的主人和领袖.”

教皇圣. 庇护十世2. 教皇圣. 庇护十世 说 that “all who teach philosophy in Catholic schools throughout 的 world should take care never to depart from 的 path and method of Aquinas, 并且每天都更加坚定地坚持这一程序 ... 我们警告教师们要牢记这一点, 尤其是在形而上学中, 无视阿奎那的行为必定会遭受巨大的伤害.”

3. 教皇本笃十五世 说 that “along with our predecessors We are equally persuaded that 的 only philosophy worth our efforts is that which is according to Christ. Therefore 的 study of philosophy according to 的 principles and system of Aquinas must certainly be encouraged so that 的 explanation and invincible defense of divinely revealed truth may be as full as human reason can make of it.”