Individual college guides often tend to focus on a narrow set of criteria, 但是当它们放在一起时, they can help to present a more complete picture. Below is a summary of the College’s reviews in the latest editions of the various publications:

< em > U.S. 新闻 & 世界 报告:

  • Top 100 among the country’s national liberal arts colleges 
  • Top 25 in the United States for social mobility
  • No. 2 校友满意度 as measured by annual giving
  • No. 1 for the highest proportion of classes under 20 students (100 percent) and the lowest proportion of classes with more than 50 students (0 percent)


  • High ratings for academics (91), quality of life (93), and faculty accessibility (98)
  • Top 15 percent of American four-year colleges
  • No. 2 nationwide among “Colleges with 巨额财政援助”
  • No. 3 for “Happiest 学生,” No. 4 for “Most Religious 学生,” No. 8 for “Friendliest 学生,” and No. 9 for “Most Beautiful Campus”
  • Results from student survey include: 1) Academics are “difficult, 令人极度兴奋的, 非常愉快的, 非常有趣.” 2) The Catholic faith is dear to the students, many of whom “attend Mass daily.” 3) The College offers “culture of casual kindness,” where students are “friendly and comfortable with each other” and “always willing to have a good conversation.”

The Newman Guide to Choosing a Catholic College

  • One of only 15 recommended colleges and universities in the United States
  • “Impressive intellectual rigor that is matched by a commitment to orthodox Catholicism.”
  • “The first in a wave of new Catholic colleges born from the crisis of Catholic identity in American Catholic higher education.”
  • “The only Catholic college in America that teaches exclusively from [the] classic works of Western civilization.”


Association of College Trustees and 校友  

  • Top 2 percent of country’s major colleges and universities
  • One of six colleges in the U.S. to receive a perfect score for ensuring that students study seven key areas: composition, 文学, 美国历史上, 外语, 数学, 科学, 和经济学.
  • Highest rating for strength of curriculum 


《BG电子平台》: “The 10 Best Roman Catholic Colleges”

  • “Devoted to providing a strong education while being rooted in the Roman Catholic faith”
  • “Great student to faculty ratio”
  • “Excellent graduation and freshman retention rates”
  • “Diverse student body that comes from states all across the nation”
  • 也被列入 Best 10 Colleges for the Money


  • One of only 38 “faithfully Catholic colleges and universities nationwide” chosen for the “Catholic Identity College Guide”
  • Perfect marks for all 10 measures of campus fidelity and moral climate


  • “The best college class I ever attended, undergraduate or graduate, was at 托马斯。 Aquinas College.”
  • “[学生] backed up their comments with evidence and careful, logical arguments.”
  • “I shall remember this class, where I was but a guest, for the rest of my life.”
  • “A rigorous great books curriculum”

吉卜林: “Best Values in Private Colleges”

  • No. 1 among all colleges and universities
  • Only Catholic school to be named to the Top 20
  • Rankings based on outstanding academics and affordable cost



  • Among top 100 American liberal arts colleges for “contribution to the public good”
  • Top 50 for “Best Bang for the Buck” in the Western United States
    《BG电子平台》 2022 College Guide